Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sienna is One!

Dear Sienna,

Our sweet baby girl is growing up too quickly. How did the past year fly by so fast? It feels like yesterday that we were waiting impatiently for you to make your arrival. You were born on a gorgeous sunny day (well, it was night by the time you decided to get the show on the road), and you picked a beautiful week to make your entrance.

The past year with you in our lives has been far beyond anything we could have hoped, dreamed, or imagined for. You have brought us so much joy, laughter, and love. We never in a million years could have expected how perfect you would make our world.

You amaze us with your sense of humor, your determination, your desire to talk and say the right words for things. You and your brother are truly best friends and witnessing that friendship develop has been one of the most exciting parts of the past year. You love to wrestle with him and one of your favorite games is to take his Baby Beluga stuffed animal (you call it Guga!) and give it a big hug and then hand it back to him. You two repeat this game over and over and it's so fun to watch.

You are so determined to dress yourself- anytime you come across an item of clothing you will sit for minutes with it and try and try to put it on yourself. You love to put hats on yourself and others. You also love being in the water. You put your face in the water unprompted a lot and you can't get enough of splashing.

One of your favorite activities and one of our favorites to watch is dancing. You dance dance dance and it's truly so adorable. Your daddy and I just laugh and smile at you when you shake it to music!

Sienna, being your mother is such a privilege and a gift to me. I take my role so seriously and I want to do everything I can to ensure you grow up knowing how loved you are for being you and that you always feel encouraged and built up by our words and actions towards you.

I love you, sweet Cece. God bless you now and always!

Halloween2013: The farmer and his piglet

Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE to dress up kids in costumes. I think it's hilarious to see a baby dressed up as an animal or as a lobster in a pot- you name it, I think it's all so cute and funny! I've always had more than one costume for my kids every Halloween- I have a problem. My name is Katie and I'm a kids' costume-aholic.

This year, for their main costumes, Asher was a farmer and Sienna was a piglet. Some people who will not be named on this blog (MOTHER) thought that dressing Sienna as a pig was mean! Excuse me for thinking a little squishy baby dressed as a pig is one of the cutest things on God's green earth. Who doesn't love a baby pig? It's un-American if you don't.

We went to Daddy's office for their Halloween luncheon and then after dinner put the costumes on yet again and went trick or treating to my aunt and uncle's house and our good family friends the Daste's house as has become tradition. Then it was home and to bed. Thankfully we only get like three groups of trick or treaters so Jeremy and I didn't have to share any of our candy.

Nothing cuter than a two year old saying "twick or tweat," except equally cute maybe is a baby dressed up as a piglet...